My short dark fantasy / horror story “Shuffle” was published at the wonderful Kaleidotrope magazine. It’s a post-apocalyptic story in which a young woman realises that there is something worse than death, and fights to regain her sense of control. You can read it online for free!
Title: Shuffle
Author: Jennifer Oliver
Word Count: 3,300 words
Publication: Kaleidotrope (Summer 2015)
I think my name might be Sarauugh. At least that’s how it sounds when I pull it up through frayed vocal cords. But I’ve also been Joe, followed briefly by Amelia. I was an echo of Dumaka, and for a few moments I was Frederick. And once, I was Mei for an entire morning.
There were a lot of incredibly helpful reviews of this story on the Online Writing Workshop and from Storyslingers writing group. Thank you to those who took the time to read and comment, and as always thank you to Yvonne for the multiple beta reads.